Monday, October 13, 2008

A report of the Library Camp

Hi Everyone,

Not sure exactly which blog to post this to, but I haven't used this one in a while, so I might as well fill this one up with some more electrons.

Anyway, I had a blast working with Steve and Laura on unorganizing the Unconference last Friday the 10th. The important thing for me was to help facilitate the gathering of people from a wide range of library backgrounds and interests. I often find that librarians can be somewhat secluded and insular in their approach to solving problems and helping their patrons/clients/users/customers or whatever else we want to call 'em. When we break out of our shells, we can meet new people and that can spark new ideas. It is that aspect of the unconference that really intrigued me.

I'd also like to thank Joshua Neff and Jezmynne Westcott for their help, advice, support and all that other jazz.

Without the LSW, and the Meebo chat room, I doubt that this camp would have existed.

Thanks again to Mary Stansbury and Clara Sitter of the LIS Program at DU for paying for the rooms. The LIS program highly recommended the Camp for their students, and this created a LOT of youthful energy and new ideas.

Hope to see you all next year!

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